About Company
KazPetroDrilling JSC is a major independent drilling company in the Republic of Kazakhstan that has been providing oil support services since 1965.
KazPetroDrilling JSC specialises in a wide range of well drilling, workover and abandonment, frac job and well cementation services.
Gaidar Adamsopiyev

President of KazPetroDrilling JSC
Previous work experience:
First Vice President of KazPetroDrilling JSC
Almaty Management School under International Business Academy;
Almaty Institute of Power Engineering and Communication.
Eduard Rakhimov

Vice President of KazPetroDrilling JSC for Atyrau region
Previous work experience:
Russian Academy of Folk Economy and State Service (MBA).
Erbol Aytuov

Vice President of KazPetroDrilling JSC for Manufacturing Assets
Previous work experience:
Auezov South Kazakhstan State University;
Almaty Institute of Economics and Statistics.
Iskander Alibaev

Vice President of KazPetroDrilling JSC for Economics and Finance
Previous work experience:
Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of MHINDUSTRY LLP
KIMEP (Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Forecasting)
KBTU (Kazakh-British Technical University)
Kairbek Yeleusinov

Vice President of KazPetroDrilling JSC for Mangystau region
Previous work experience:
General Director of Caspian Oil JSC
Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas. I. Gubkin Oil Faculty; department – development and operation of oil fields
Serik Idenov

Vice President of KazPetroDrilling JSC for Production Support
Previous work experience:
Managing Director for Procurement and Logistics of KazPetroDrilling JSC
Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin, specialty: Drilling oil and gas wells
KazPetroDrilling History
On 20th September 2010 the Company was registered as a legal entity in the form of the limited liability partnership. On 6th April 2012 the Company changed the legal form to joint stock company. As the Company was transformed into the joint stock company, the Financial Market and Financial Organisation Control and Supervision Committee of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan performed state registration of the ordinary shares of the Company registered by Almaly Region Justice Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, no 351-1910-02-АО dated 20th April 2012.
Main activities of the Company:
- provision of oil support services;
- monitoring of operational, financial and investment activity of subsidiaries.
Mission and Values
KazPetroDrilling’s mission determines the essence of the Company activity underlining its important role in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Who are we?
- KazPetroDrilling is the Company where every Customer is important;
- KazPetroDrilling is the Company that improves continuously in order to improve performance;
- The Company that values own employees and provides them with sustainable pay and position in the society;
- The Company where you can be proud of and be confident of own future;
- The Company that understands and weighs every decision and the Company you can trust;
- The Company that attains high corporate management standards.
Our Customer’s demands, their expectations and objectives form a solid basis of our activity as a Company.
As any empathic Company, we set objectives that enable us to make the steps toward formation and strengthening of the status of one of the best Companies in the oil service market. Every team member is extremely important to us, as implementation of our objectives would not be possible without the implementation of personal and professional objectives of our employees. Our team includes not only professionals, but like-minded individuals unified with a common network of values.
We value decency, openness and goodwill to everything new, initiative, professionalism, responsibility and trust, respect of traditions and striving for the best. This list is a set of simple rules that we apply to everyone who joins us, as KazPetroDrilling success is success of every one of us. Understanding and following these rules is another step toward completely new quality level of development.
Key Customers